A woman-owned and operated coffee farm, the Canta Galo Farm is located in the city of Areado, in the southern region of Minas Gerais, Brazil, at altitudes ranging from 800 to 1120 meters, with a mountainous and rugged terrain.
It was founded in 1968 when José Carlos Vieira da Silveira invested in planting Arabica coffee of the Mundo Novo and Catuaí varieties. A dynamic man passionate about coffee culture, José Carlos was a great entrepreneur who constantly sought advancement through knowledge of coffee management techniques, infrastructure, and effective administration. Sadly, he passed away in 1991, but his family continues to nurture his love for coffee culture.
His daughter Andréia Oliveira da Silveira continues his legacy by striving for excellence in coffee production and quality. She has implemented a self-sustainable management system at Canta Galo Farm, where total quality and customer satisfaction are primary goals, adhering to all requirements including:
• Agricultural planning (strategic and operational)
• Formation of high-performance teams
• Production traceability
• Environmental preservation
• Social responsibility
With this track record, the farm has stood out in the region for producing high-quality coffees. In 2001, it ranked 21st in the Gourmet contest; in 2004, 4th and 5th places in the Natural Coffees Contest of BSCA; and in 2005, 9th place in the same competition. Also in 2004, it obtained certifications from BSCA and UTZ KAPEH. In 2006, it achieved 10th place in the Natural Coffees Contest and was among the finalists of the Illy Café competition. (Source: www.fazendacantagalo.com.br)
UTZ is a sustainability program for coffee, cocoa, and tea that collaborates with existing brands. Farmers can enhance their productivity, product quality, and efficiency while caring for people and the environment. This enables them to produce higher volumes at lower costs, thereby improving the standard of living in agricultural communities. Consumers can enjoy their favorite brands and simultaneously contribute to a sustainable world.
The Rainforest Alliance certification helps producers improve their crops, adapt to climate change, increase productivity, and reduce costs. These benefits provide companies with a stable and secure supply of certified products. Supplying Rainforest Alliance-certified products also helps companies meet customer expectations and protect the credibility of their brands. At the core of the Rainforest Alliance certification is the mission to create a better future for people and nature by making responsible commerce the new normal.
In short, Andreia Silveira’s Fazenda Canta Galo is an example of so many great things, not the least, its coffee.
About Us
Agrisapien Traders is more than just an importer of coffee - we are a passionate beacon for coffee enthusiasts. Each bean we import tells a story of rich flavors and hardworking hands that nurtured it.